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JavaScript/TypeScript SDK

This is the core SDK on which others (React, Vue, and Svelte SDKs) are build on top. It is a light-weight (less than 5kb gzipped), zero-dependencies library that allows creating, embedding and communication with LiveCodes playgrounds. It also allows easily creating links to playgrounds.


Please refer to the SDK installation section.


In the full standalone app, the JavaScript SDK is accessible via the global variable livecodes, which can be interacted with in the browser console.

TypeScript Types

TypeScript types are documented here and can be imported from the library.

import type { EmbedOptions, Playground } from 'livecodes';

The following 2 functions are exported by the library:


Type: (container: string | Element, options?: EmbedOptions) => Promise<Playground>

The library exports the function createPlayground which has 2 parameters:

  • container (required): HTMLElement or a string representing a CSS selector. This is the container where the playground is rendered. If not found, an error is thrown (except in headless mode, in which this parameter is optional and can be omitted).
  • options (optional): an object with embed options (EmbedOptions).

The createPlayground function returns a promise which resolves to an object that exposes the SDK methods (Playground).

import { createPlayground, type EmbedOptions } from 'livecodes';

const options: EmbedOptions = {
// appUrl: ...
// config: ...
// import: ...
// lite: ...
// loading: ...
// params: ...
// template: ...
// view: ...

createPlayground('#container', options).then((playground) => {
// the `playground` object exposes the SDK methods
// e.g.

The createPlayground function throws an error (promise is rejected) in any of the following conditions:

  • The first parameter (container) is not an element or not found (by CSS selector), except in headless mode.
  • The embed option appUrl is supplied and is not a valid URL.
  • The embed option config is supplied and is not an object or a valid URL.
  • Any of the SDK methods was called after calling the destroy method.


Type: (options?: EmbedOptions) => string

Gets the URL to playground (as a string) from the provided options. This can be useful for providing links to run code in playgrounds.


<pre><code class="language-markdown"># Hello World!</code></pre>
<a href="#" id="playground-link" target="_blank">Open in playground</a>
<script type="module">
import { getPlaygroundUrl } from 'livecodes';
const config = {
markup: {
language: 'markdown',
content: '# Hello World!',
const url = getPlaygroundUrl({ config });
document.querySelector('#playground-link').href = url;

Embed Options

Type: EmbedOptions

The createPlayground and getPlaygroundUrl functions accept an optional object that allows providing different options to the playground. This object can have the following optional properties:


Type: string

Default: ""

Allows loading the playground from a custom URL (e.g. a self-hosted app or a permanent URL).

If supplied with an invalid URL, an error is thrown.


Type: string | Partial<Config>

Default: {}

A configuration object or a URL to a JSON file representing a configuration object to load.

If supplied and is not an object or a valid URL, an error is thrown.


Type: string

A resource to import (from any of the supported sources).


Type: boolean

Default: false

If true, the playground is loaded in lite mode.


Type: "eager" | "lazy" | "click"

Default: "lazy"

Sets how the playground loads:

  • "eager": The playground loads immediately.
  • "lazy": A playground embedded low down in the page will not load until the user scrolls so that it approaches the viewport.
  • "click": The playground does not load automatically. Instead, a "Click-to-load" screen is shown.


Type: UrlQueryParams

An object that represents URL Query parameters, that can be used to configure the playground.

These 2 snippets produce similar output:

import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes';

// use config
createPlayground('#container', {
config: {
markup: {
language: 'markdown',
content: '# Hello World!',

// use params
createPlayground('#container', { params: { md: '# Hello World!' } });


Type: TemplateName

A starter template to load. Allowed valued can be found here.


Type: "editor" | "result" | "split" | "headless"

Default: "split"

The default view for the playground.

When set to "headless", the playground is loaded in headless mode.

SDK Methods

The createPlayground function returns a promise which resolves to an object (Playground) that exposes some useful SDK methods that can be used to interact with the playground. These methods include:


Type: () => Promise<void>

When the embed option loading is set to click, the playground is not loaded automatically. Instead, a screen is shown with "Click to load" button. Calling the SDK method load() allows loading the playground.

If the playground was not loaded, calling any other method will load the playground first before executing.

import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes';

createPlayground('#container').then(async (playground) => {
await playground.load();
// playground loaded


Type: () => Promise<void>

Runs the result page (after any required compilation for code).

import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes';

createPlayground('#container').then(async (playground) => {
// new result page is displayed


Type: (allEditors?: boolean) => Promise<void>

Formats the code.

By default, the code in all editors (markup, style and script) is formatted. If you wish to format only the active editor, pass the value false as an argument.

import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes';

createPlayground('#container').then(async (playground) => {
await playground.format();
// code in editors is formatted


Type: (shortUrl?: boolean) => Promise<string>

Gets a share url for the current project.

By default, the url has a long query string representing the compressed encoded config object. If the argument shortUrl was set to true, a short url is generated.

import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes';

createPlayground('#container').then(async (playground) => {
const longUrl = await playground.getShareUrl();
const shortUrl = await playground.getShareUrl(true);


Type: (contentOnly?: boolean) => Promise<Config>

Gets a config object representing the playground state. This can be used to restore state if passed as embed option property on creating playground, or can be manipulated and loaded in run-time using setConfig method.

import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes';

createPlayground('#container').then(async (playground) => {
const config = await playground.getConfig();


Type: (config: Partial<Config>) => Promise<Config>

Loads a new project using the passed configuration object.

import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes';

createPlayground('#container').then(async (playground) => {
const config = {
markup: {
language: 'html',
content: 'Hello World!',
const newConfig = await playground.setConfig(config);
// new project loaded


Type: () => Promise<Code>

Gets the playground code (including source code, source language and compiled code) for each editor (markup, style, script), in addition to result page HTML.

import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes';

createPlayground('#container').then(async (playground) => {
const code = await playground.getCode();

// source code, language and compiled code for the script editor
const { content, language, compiled } = code.script;

// result page HTML
const result = code.result;


Type: (panel: EditorId | Lowercase<Tool['title']> | 'result', options?: { full?: boolean; line?: number; column?: number; zoom?: 1 | 0.5 | 0.25 }) => Promise<void>

Shows the selected panel, which is either:

  • Editor: markup, style or script
  • Tool: console, compiled or tests
  • Result page: result

The second optional argument is an object:

  • It may have the boolean property full, which If true, selected editor or result page will take the full vertical and horizontal space of the playground, while tools will take the full vertical and half the horizontal space, leaving some space for the active editor.

  • The optional properties line and column allow scrolling to line/column number in the shown editor.

  • The optional property zoom sets the result page zoom level (the selected panel must be result).

import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes';

createPlayground('#container').then(async (playground) => {
const delay = (duration) =>
new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, duration);

await delay(2000);
await'result', { full: true });
await delay(2000);
await delay(2000);
await'result', { zoom: 0.5 });
await delay(2000);
await'console', { full: true });


Type: () => Promise<{ results: TestResult[] }>

Runs project tests (if present) and gets test results.

import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes';

createPlayground('#container').then(async (playground) => {
const { results } = await playground.runTests();


Type: docs

((event: 'load', fn: () => void) => { remove: () => void }) &
((event: 'ready', fn: (data: { config: Config }) => void) => { remove: () => void }) &
((event: 'code', fn: (data: { code: Code; config: Config }) => void) => { remove: () => void }) &
((event: 'console', fn: (data: { method: string; args: any[] }) => void) => { remove: () => void }) &
((event: 'tests', fn: (data: { results: TestResult[]; error?: string }) => void) => { remove: () => void }) &
((event: 'destroy', fn: () => void) => { remove: () => void });

Allows to watch for various playground events. It takes 2 arguments: event name and a callback function that will be called on every event.

In some events, the callback function will be called with an object that supplies relevant data to the callback function (e.g. code, console output, test results).

The watch method returns an object with a single method remove, which when called will remove the callback from watching further events.

import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes';

createPlayground('#container').then((playground) => {
const codeWatcher ='code', ({ code, config }) => {
// this will run on every code change
console.log('code:', code);
console.log('config:', config);

const consoleWatcher ='console', ({ method, args }) => {
// this will run on every console output

const testsWatcher ='tests', ({ results }) => {
// this will run when tests run
results.forEach((testResult) => {
console.log('status:', testResult.status); // "pass", "fail" or "skip"
console.log(testResult.errors); // array of errors as strings

// then later
// events are no longer watched

These are the events that can be watched and the description of their callback functions:

  • "load": Called when the playground first loads.

    event: "load",
    fn: () => void
    ) => { remove: () => void }
  • "ready": Called when a new project is loaded (including when imported) and the playground is ready to run.

    event: "ready",
    fn: (data: { config: Config }) => void
    ) => { remove: () => void }
  • "code": Called when the playground "content" is changed (see getCode and getConfig).

    This includes changes in:

    event: "code",
    fn: (data: { code: Code; config: Config }) => void
    ) => { remove: () => void }
  • "console": Called when the playground console gets new outputs. The callback method is passed an object with 2 properties: "method" (e.g. "log", "error", etc.) and "args" (the arguments passed to the method, as an array).

    event: "console",
    fn: (data: { method: string; args: any[] }) => void
    ) => { remove: () => void }
  • "tests": Called when tests run and test results are available (see runTests).

    event: "tests",
    fn: (data: { results: TestResult[]; error?: string }) => void
    ) => { remove: () => void }
  • "destroy": Called when the playground is destroyed.

    event: "destroy",
    fn: () => void
    ) => { remove: () => void }


Deprecated: Use watch method instead.

Type: (fn: ChangeHandler) => { remove: () => void }

Allows to watch the playground for changes. It takes a callback function that will be called on every change.

The callback function will be called with an object that has 2 properties: code and config, representing the current codes and configuration objects (see getCode and getConfig).

The onChange method returns an object with a single method remove, which when called will remove the callback from watching changes.

import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes';

createPlayground('#container').then((playground) => {
const watcher = playground.onChange(({ code, config }) => {
// this will run on every code change
console.log('code:', code);
console.log('config:', config);

// then later
// changes are no longer watched


Type: (command: APICommands, ...args: any[]) => Promise<{ output: any } | { error: string }>

Execute custom commands, including:

// in browser console of full app (e.g.
await livecodes.exec('setBroadcastToken', 'my-token');
  • "showVersion": Logs the current LiveCodes app version, SDK version, git commit SHA, permanent app URL and SDK URL in the browser console.
// in browser console of full app (e.g.
await livecodes.exec('showVersion');


Type: () => Promise<void>

Destroys the playground instance, and removes event listeners. Further call to any SDK methods throws an error.

import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes';

createPlayground('#container').then(async (playground) => {
await playground.destroy();
// playground destroyed
// any further SDK call throws an error


Default Styles

By default, the container element is styled when the SDK is initialized (including width, height, border, etc.). To disable default styles, set the container element attribute data-default-styles to "false" before initializing.


<div id="container" data-default-styles="false" class="custom"></div>
<script type="module">
import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes';


By default, the playground container height is set to "300px". To change the height, either disable the default styles and override them, or simply set the data-height attribute to a number (in pixels) or any valid CSS value (e.g. "100%" to take the full height of its parent element).


<div id="container" data-height="500"></div>
<script type="module">
import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes';


show code
import { createPlayground } from 'livecodes';

const options = {
"params": {
"js": "import { createPlayground } from \"livecodes\";\n\nconst params = {\n html: \"<h1>Hello World!</h1>\",\n css: \"h1 {color: blue;}\",\n js: 'console.log(\"Hello, LiveCodes!\")',\n console: \"open\",\n};\n\ncreatePlayground('#container', { params });\n",
"html": "<div id=\"container\"></div>"
createPlayground('#container', options);